Stirred, not shaken

Stirred, not shaken

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy, and countless rewards. However, it's also one of the most challenging roles I’ve taken on. The resp...

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Hi Shantel 👋

Hi Shantel 👋

“I would encourage any mother finding it hard or struggling with mother hood to be easy on themselves..”

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“I’m not proud of the moments I miss, but I know its necessary sometimes. For myself and my family.”

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Being Kylian's Mummy

Being Kylian's Mummy

"I worried a lot when Kylian was younger, that he’d struggle to carve out his own identity; he’s only 11 months younger than Kya after all.."

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Blogging or therapy?

Blogging or therapy?

"So here is my “welcome back” post, for all mothers, any age, size, colour, religion, race, sexuality etc 🤰🏻🤱🏽🧑🏼‍🍼🤰🏿"

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